In this article you will learn how to know if you are dehydrated and how to recover from it.
Water and proper hydration is the base of optimal health in your body and often is neglected. When you are not properly hydrated you run the risk of muscle cramps, injuries, vomitting, bodily functions and if left for a few days it can lead to very severe effects.
It is very important to know how to spot the signs of dehydration and then the most effective ways to prevent it.
Signs that you are dehydrated:
???? Thirsty is an easy one but often its a sign that you are well on your way to9 being dehyrated.
???? Headaches.
???? Dark coloured urine.
???? Low blood pressure.
???? Heart palpitations.
???? Fatigue.
Here are some tips to follow when trying to stay hydrated:
???? Drink electrolytes after exercise or a strenuous activity that makes your sweat.
???? Carry a water bottle with you everywhere.
???? Eat foods (fruit) with a high water content.
???? Include enough sodium content in your diet to help retain enough water in your body for optimal cell functions.
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